Become a member


A great way to support our work is to become a Member of the Trust.

Member benefits:

  • Know that your contribution is helping to maintain the cherished Romney Marsh churches for future generations.

  • Connect with like-minded people who all share an interest in the Romney Marsh churches.

  • Keep up to date with the Trust’s news. Members receive a comprehensive mailing twice a year in the Spring and the Autumn.

  • Mailings include such items as the annual accounts, an invitation to attend the Annual General Meeting and the Members’ lunch, a resume of the Trust’s activities, the AGM speaker’s address and an order form for Christmas cards.

  • Attend the Annual General Meeting of the Trust in May, with a special invitation to the members lunch on the same day. Based in one of the Marsh churches, the special speaker often draws a large crowd (you can view list of past speakers here).

  • Receive an invite to a Members’ tour of the churches. We normally run 2 tour dates a year, each taking in 3-4 churches in the day, led by very knowledgeable guides.

Select membership type below to join and pay online

Help & Membership Communications

For any Membership communications, such as change of address or resignation, please email

Or use the Contact Form

Other ways to support the Trust