Members and supporters gather for our 2024 AGM and Members’ Lunch

The Venerable Darren Miller, Archdeacon of Ashford, was the guest speaker for our 2024 AGM, which took place at St. Dunstan’s in Snargate on the afternoon of Saturday 18th May 2024. Nearly 100 people attended the event, with around half also joining for the Members’ Lunch at Brenzett Village Hall. Thank you to all who came, including our volunteers. Special thanks also to Elizabeth Marshall, who is stepping down from her role as Honourable Secretary for the Trust after many years of dedicated service.

Event photos by Celia Heritage. Snargate church photos by Andy Marshall.

A delicious Members’ Lunch at Brenzett Village Hall was provided by Penny Cobb and her team, while volunteers from St. Dunstan’s organised a wonderful spread of refreshments in the church.

RMHCT volunteers were on-hand to offer books and cards to attendees, including our 2024 Christmas Cards (these will be available to order online soon).

Thank you to RMHCT Trustee William Barham who went the extra mile to help coordinate the event and manage lunch bookings.

With members settled, RMHCT Trustees shared the charity’s latest developments, achievements and accounts. Our guest speaker then spoke to those gathered.

The Venerable Darren Miller, Archdeacon of Ashford, highlighted how special and cherished the Romney Marsh churches are. He spoke of his commitment to supporting them, but also of the enormous challenges facing rural churches. As the Trust and local PCCs know only too well, maintaining such large and ancient buildings is incredibly expensive, while many churches across the country are seeing their congregations continue to decline.

Archdeacon Miller emphasised the historic role that churches have played at the centre of their communities and his desire to see this valuable work continue. Like the Trust and its members, the Archdeacon would like to see the Romney Marsh churches open and used, and for communities to find new ways to engage more local people. Having so many medieval churches in such a small geographical area is certainly an asset for Romney Marsh; they draw many visitors and also provide important places of sanctuary.

We are very grateful for the ongoing support of our members, donors and volunteers who enable the work we do on Romney Marsh.

Every single one of our members is helping to ensure the historic churches of the marsh can continue to thrive in the years to come.

We look forward to seeing many of members again at our Members’ Tour of three marsh churches in September (now fully subscribed).

Please join us again next year’s AGM and Members’ Lunch, at a different marsh church - details will be announced in early 2025.

Thank you to Elizabeth Marshall for her many years of dedicated service as the Trust's Honourable Secretary. For anybody interested in taking on this role, further details can be found here.


Further information

  • Individual membership costs just £15 per annum, with further concessions for students, couples and over 60s. A sign up form and further details can be found here.

  • You can also support the churches through donations, volunteering or buy purchasing our books and cards. We would love to see you at one of our next events.


Organ Recital at St. Mary in the Marsh, a fundraiser


Members’ Tour 2024