Annual General Meeting 2020
The low-key and belated Annual General Meeting was held at St George’s, Ivychurch on Saturday September 5th 2020. Approximately eighteen to twenty members were present (our quorum is twelve), suitably spaced out. The Minutes of the 2019 meeting, the Annual Report for 2019 and the Accounts for that year were all approved and the examiners of our accounts agreed again.
Our President, John Doyle, was re-elected, having sent apologies due to recent contact with a potential virus carrier. The Vice-Presidents were all re-elected. Revd Tricia Fogden and Mr Ian Hamilton were re-elected to the Trust Council. Mrs Georgia Small and Mrs Celia Heritage were newly-elected, and the Chairman gave thanks to Mr John Waite who has retired from the Council.
Mrs Bryony Kapoor briefed the meeting on her proposals for the Hope All Saints site, and Dr Nick Hudd asked the meeting to affirm its thanks to the Chairman and the Honorary Secretary, who, in a troubled period for the Trust and for our country, had “kept this show on the road”.
After closure of the AGM, the Trust Council took the opportunity to meet together for the first time since January. Grants and decisions made by the interim Executive Council were approved. Mr David Williams was co-opted to the Trust Council and elected as Treasurer.
Our new Treasurer, David Williams is known to many as the ex-Treasurer of the late-lamented Romney Marsh Research Trust, where he did sterling work in running the finances, and then seeing to an orderly winding-up of that Trust and the permanent establishment of a record of its work. We welcome David to our ranks.